Friday, May 9, 2008

Butterfly Shawl, Swirl Shawl, and Order of Projects

Well ... after exactly three weeks ... I finally finished the shawl -- well, all but the beads, which are to be crocheted onto the lower 2 sides of the triangle. I will be doing that, but decided to postpone that final work for a while. I have to do some charity work, and also want to finish one, if not both, of the blankets the Panera Group is doing for the "guys".

Last night's meeting of the Long Island Knitting & Crochet Guild was great. Carla from Vogue Knitting was there, and as usual, we had a fantastic program. The knitted pieces she brought were awe-inspiring. I can't wait for the fall issue of KnitSimple so can make the triple cable shawl.

I purchased the Swirl Shawl pattern from JoJoLand and practiced knitting the first two medallions with some yarn I had around, so I could see if I could manage that pattern (not an easy one) before investing in yarn for it. I had decided not to buy the kit since I wasn't familiar with the yarn. However, seeing the yarn (from the women who went to the Maryland Sheep and Wool Festival) I realize it is absolutely perfect for the pattern, and will be getting it ASAP. Can't decide which color, but that's the least of it.

So I think it's like this: First -- I will work on the socks I currently have on my needle (yup -- one 40" circ -- Magic Loop), and then some charity project(s), the beads for the butterfly shawl -- and then I'll work on the Swirl Shawl, if I can wait, that is.

1 comment:

Angie said...

I wish I could've been at the meeting but I'm having a great time with my boys. See you soon!!