Tuesday, March 4, 2008

The heat is on!

Well ... maybe it was a mistake. I told some of THE PANERA'S GANG about my Blog -- so I guess I'm going to have to actually write here. (smile)

I have some unfortunate news. I am a great proponent of "life lines" in lace work, and was working on a "Beaded Shawl". I did the first couple of rows that contained beads, thinking "It's time to put in that lifeline" when I dropped a stitch, and had to rip the whole thing. It was about 3 inches along. I will try to start it again later today ... but my stupidity isn't helping my resolve.

I am working on a narrow scarf (in a rut ... seems that's all I'm doing lately -- other than that beaded "thing") and it's beautiful. It's called Alison's Scarf and it appeared in the 2006 Knit Calendar. It has cables and yarn overs and is so pretty. It also has an "I-Cord cast-on", which I've never done before, and which I absolutely love. Now I'm wondering where else I might be able to use that cast-on.

Time to accomplish something here, at home, but will definitely try to post those photos I've been promising.

And thanks for hanging in with me.


Angie said...

I heard you saying something about lifelines last night but I didn't hear the whole story.
Now you know how I feel when I get e-mail from my cousin in Florida saying, 'you haven't blogged in a long time!' I've added you to my favorites list and I'm going to cross reference you on my blog too. Can't wait to see some of your photos (even though I get to see the real thing on Monday nights!)

Angie said...


PJ said...

Ah...turboalice...the perfect name for your blog. And the blog...just another vehicle for us all to have access to your tips and help from you!

Anonymous said...

way to go alice!! you are fearless!!
i don't get to paneras much lately but, now i have a way to keep up with your wealth of knowledge

Alice said...

Wealth of knowledge?
You've gotta be kidding.

But thanks so much for your comments. I definitely have to to get going on this blog.